Fire Weather Index
Fire Weather Index data is recorded daily (at 12:02 EST) using FWI Calc v11.7.3.120 from SoftRock. For a summary of Definitions for the various Fire Weather codes, click here |
Latest Daily FWI Data - Updated: 11/02/2025 9:50:25 AM |
Date | Temp °C | Humidity % | Wind km/h | Rain mm | FFMC | DMC | DC | ISI | BUI | FWI | FDI DC | CBI | CBI DC |
4/02/2025 | 34.7 | 35 | 3.0 | 0.00 | 91.5 | 48 | 439 | 6.1 | 76 | 19.4 | HI | 49.6 | MD |
Legend: LW = Low, MD = Moderate, HI = High, VH = Very High, EX = Extreme
Legend (FDI DC): LM = LW-MD, HI = High, VH = Very High, SV = Severe, EX = Extreme, CR = Code Red
FWI Data for the previous 14 days |
Date | Temp ºC | Humidity % | Wind Speed kmph | Rainfall mm | FFMC | DMC | DC | ISI | BUI | FWI | FWI DC |
4/02/2025 | 34.7 | 35 | 3.0 | 0.00 | 91.5 | 48 | 439 | 6.1 | 76 | 19.4 | HI |
3/02/2025 | 34.7 | 37 | 5.0 | 6.90 | 82.2 | 43 | 430 | 1.9 | 69 | 7.2 | LW |
2/02/2025 | 34.9 | 35 | 3.0 | 0.00 | 92.3 | 66 | 446 | 6.9 | 96 | 24.0 | VH |
1/02/2025 | 27.8 | 48 | 1.0 | 0.00 | 88.7 | 61 | 437 | 3.7 | 90 | 14.7 | HI |
31/01/2025 | 23.9 | 50 | 1.0 | 0.00 | 87.6 | 58 | 429 | 3.2 | 86 | 12.8 | HI |
30/01/2025 | 20.9 | 51 | 1.0 | 0.00 | 86.7 | 55 | 421 | 2.8 | 83 | 11.2 | HI |
29/01/2025 | 23.1 | 42 | 2.0 | 0.00 | 85.5 | 53 | 414 | 2.5 | 80 | 10.0 | MD |
28/01/2025 | 20.5 | 59 | 2.0 | 1.80 | 75.8 | 50 | 406 | 0.9 | 76 | 3.6 | LW |
27/01/2025 | 29.1 | 46 | 5.0 | 0.00 | 89.1 | 51 | 398 | 4.8 | 77 | 16.4 | HI |
26/01/2025 | 26.1 | 50 | 4.0 | 0.00 | 86.8 | 48 | 389 | 3.3 | 73 | 11.8 | HI |
25/01/2025 | 24.8 | 52 | 1.0 | 0.00 | 81.6 | 45 | 381 | 1.4 | 69 | 5.3 | LW |
24/01/2025 | 19.8 | 58 | 1.0 | 2.50 | 69.4 | 42 | 373 | 0.6 | 65 | 1.8 | LW |
23/01/2025 | 22.2 | 54 | 2.0 | 0.00 | 88.6 | 47 | 365 | 3.9 | 72 | 13.4 | HI |
22/01/2025 | 21.7 | 60 | 1.0 | 0.00 | 88.7 | 45 | 358 | 3.7 | 69 | 12.5 | HI |
Legend: LW = Low, MD = Moderate, HI = High, VH = Very High, EX = Extreme
Fire Weather Statistics Since 1/01/2025 |
Stat | Temp °C | Humidity % | Wind km/h | Rain mm | FFMC | DMC | DC | ISI | BUI | FWI | CBI |
HIGHS | 39.8 5/01/2025 |
95 6/01/2025 |
5.0 3/02/2025 |
18.20 13/01/2025 |
97.3 5/01/2025 |
66 2/02/2025 |
446 2/02/2025 |
15.1 5/01/2025 |
96 2/02/2025 |
35.6 5/01/2025 |
132.7 4/01/2025 |
LOWS | 15.9 6/01/2025 |
15 4/01/2025 |
0.0 19/01/2025 |
0.00 4/02/2025 |
51.6 13/01/2025 |
23 16/01/2025 |
258 1/01/2025 |
0.2 13/01/2025 |
38 16/01/2025 |
0.3 13/01/2025 |
< 1 6/01/2025 |
The data provided here has been compiled using weather information local to the Bayswater area of
Victoria and therefore should only be considered appropriate over a limited geographical area.
The data is offered without any warranties expressed or implied, and is only intended to supplement
official forecasts and information. No claims are made as to the accuracy or reliability of this data.